Wholesale Quotes & Payments?
Please contact (310) 290-1390 or your local sales rep.
We accept Debit/Credit, Bank wire, Cash, PayPal and Venmo. 
Additional 3% processing fee for wholesale credit/debit card payments.
Additional $15 fee for wholesale bank wire payments.

How long does it take to build and ship a light?
Lights are currently in stock and available for immediate shipment.
OEM is available with 2-4 week lead time depending on size of order and availability of components.

Are EVOL Grow Lights compatible with Trolmaster?
Yes. All models are compatible with Trolmaster.

How soon will I receive my order?
Order will ship out 24-48 hours after payment is received. 
To be most affordable, shipping by ground is recommended. But of course, express service is welcomed.
Your order typically is delivered 3-5 business days after the ship out date.

What is Par?
PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation) is a region of the light spectrum (400 to 700 nm) that plants utilize for the process of photosynthesis. PAR is not a measurement or metric but defines the range of light needed to support photosynthesis.

What is PPF?
PPF (Photosynthetic Photon Flux) is a measure of the total amount of light within PAR that a light source emits each second. The unit used to express PPF is micromoles of photons per second (µmol/s).

What is PPE?
PPE (Photosynthetic Photon Efficacy) is the PAR photon output of a light source (measured in micromoles per second or µmol/s) divided by the input power (Watt) to produce that light, the measurement is µmol/J. PPE does not include the photons outside the PAR range. 

What is PPFD?
PPFD (Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density) measures the amount of light within PAR that actually falls on a given surface (the plant canopy area) each second. The unit used to express PPFD is micromoles of photons per square meter per second (µmol/m2/s).

Do your fixtures produce heat?
Our fixtures are designed to be cool to the touch enabling savings in operating costs.

What plug type do you offer?
Each light comes with both 120v & 240v 10ft cords/plugs. We have 277v and higher available as upgrades. Please inquire to info@EVOLGrowLights.com